Setup Calls the Setup Requester, allowing you to change the many
settings of AmIRC to suit your needs.
Lists Calls up the Lists Requester, allowing you to configure AmIRC's
Alias, Ignore, and Hilite lists.
Function Keys Calls the Function Key settings requester, allowing you to
configure the function key macros.
MIMEPrefs... Calls the MIMEPrefs program if present in the AmIRC directory or
Prefs:. It allows you to set global MIME settings to view files.
Dialog Window Buttons? If set, the AmIRC dialog window will contain 4 gadgets in the
upper right corner. These are labeled: 'Whois', 'Ping', 'DCC
Chat', & 'DCC Send'. These gadgets will perform their respective
functions on the user that the dialog window is opened to.
Use MIMEPrefs for viewing/saving - allows you to specify whether you want to use
MIME Prefs for viewing files and/or for saving files from DCC sends.
Single Channel Window? - use one window but see information from multiple channels
on one server! For instance: join an IRCnet server, join #amiga automatically and then use
the "/join #AmigaITA" command to join the #AmigaIta channel and you will see information posted
from the original #amiga channel in the #AmigaIta window! Good for keeping track of messages
from people on another channel, without them knowing you are watching.
Load Settings Opens a requestor allowing you to recall previously saved
non-default AmIRC Configurations.
Load settings from default Reloads the last saved default configuration
Save Settings As Opens a requester allowing you to choose a filename to save the
current AmIRC configuration as other than default.
Save as default Saves the current AmIRC configuration as the default startup
Create icons? If Checked, will create icons for saved configuration files,
allowing them to be seen on the Workbench.
Save settings on exit? - allows you to save your AmIRC settings every time you
quit AmIRC. If you have altered something by mistake, however, this new setting will still
be saved when you quit AmIRC.
MUI Settings Opens the MUI Prefs program for altering the MUI Configurable AmIRC